441 research outputs found

    Smart power conditioners for electric railway power grids

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    Programa doutoral em Engenharia Eletrónica e de Computadores (especialidade de Eletrónica de Potência e Energia)Railway transport presents itself as one of the greatest economic and social drivers of several nations in the world. Furthermore, it is considered the safest means of land transport, with the electric rail system being efficient and environmentally friendly. However, for the inclusion of more and larger electric locomotives, it is necessary to increase the capacity of the railway supply systems. This doctoral thesis intends to contribute to the development of power electronics solutions capable of increasing the capacity of railway supply systems. As such, a power electronics converter connected in a neutral section located between two traction power substations (TPS) is proposed. The proposed algorithm makes it possible to dynamically balance the average active powers of the two substations, mitigating overload problems. In the event of deceleration or braking of a locomotive on one side, it is possible to use the energy from this regenerative braking to assist another locomotive on the other side of the neutral section. Moreover, the proposed solution still presents the interface with a photovoltaic solar system and an energy storage system. In this way, it is possible to minimize energy dependence on the power grid, as well as to include renewable energy sources. The storage system also makes it possible to store surplus production or energy from regenerative braking for later use. The proposed solution is validated with the help of computer simulations considering a real implementation scale. The simulation model is based on cascaded multilevel modular converters, with each submodule also featuring solid-state transformers. Considering a reduced-scale prototype developed in the laboratory, computer simulations of the prototype are also presented and discussed. The document also presents a chapter that portrays all the steps taken for the implementation of the reduced-scale sectioning post-Rail Power Conditioner (sp-RPC) laboratory prototype. Once its implementation was completed, its experimental validation was carried out, proving the correct functioning of the system based on the proposed algorithm.O transporte ferroviário apresenta-se como um dos maiores impulsionadores económicos e sociais de várias nações do mundo. Para além disso, é considerado como o meio de transporte terrestre mais seguro, sendo o sistema ferroviário elétrico eficiente e amigo do ambiente. Contudo, para a inclusão de mais e maiores locomotivas elétricas é necessário aumentar a capacidade dos sistemas de alimentação ferroviários. Esta tese de doutoramento pretende contribuir com o desenvolvimento de soluções de eletrónica de potência capazes de aumentar a capacidade dos sistemas de alimentação ferroviários. Como tal, é proposto um conversor de eletrónica de potência conectado numa secção neutra que se encontra entre duas subestações de tração de energia. A algoritmia proposta permite equilibrar as potências ativas médias das duas subestações de forma dinâmica, mitigando os problemas de sobrecarga. Na ocorrência de uma desaceleração ou travagem de uma locomotiva num dos lados, é possível utilizar a energia proveniente desta travagem regenerativa para o auxílio de marcha de outra locomotiva existente no outro lado da secção neutra. Não obstante, a solução proposta apresenta ainda a interface com um sistema solar fotovoltaico e um sistema de armazenamento de energia. Desta forma, é possível minimizar a dependência energética da rede elétrica, bem como incluir fontes de energia renovável. O sistema de armazenamento permite ainda armazenar o excedente de produção ou a energia proveniente de uma travagem regenerativa para posterior utilização. O conceito proposto é estudado com auxílio de simulações computacionais considerando uma escala de implementação real. O modelo de simulação é baseado em conversores modulares multinível em cascata, sendo que cada sub-módulo apresenta ainda transformadores de estado sólido. Considerando um protótipo de pequena escala desenvolvido em laboratório, simulações computacionais do protótipo são igualmente apresentadas e validadas. O documento apresenta ainda um capítulo que retrata todos os passos realizados para a implementação do protótipo laboratorial do sectioning post-Rail Power Conditioner (sp-RPC) de pequena escala. Uma vez finalizada a sua implementação, procedeu-se à sua validação experimental, comprovando o correto funcionamento do sistema com base na algoritmia proposta.This work has been supported by FCT — Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, within the R&D Units Project Scope UIDB/00319/2020. Mr. Luis A. M. Barros is supported by the doctoral scholarship PD/BD/143006/2018, granted by the Portuguese FCT foundation

    Tourism in Azores Islands: Persistence in the Monthly Arrivals

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    This study analyses the persistence in the international monthly arrivals to the Azores Islands using a model based on fractional integration and seasonal autoregressions. The estimated fractional differencing parameter gives an indication of the long run evolution of the series. We use both aggregate data and disaggregate monthly data by location of origin and island destination. The results show that the aggregate series corresponding to the total number of arrivals is a nonstationary I(d) process with d above 1, and the most persistent ones are those travelling to Säo Miguel, especially from Holland, Finland, Norway, Germany, Denmark and the UK.Monthly arrivals; Seasonal fractional integration; Persistence; Azores Islands.

    A comprehensive review on modular multilevel converters, submodule topologies, and modulation techniques

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    The concept of the modular multilevel converter (MLC) has been raising interest in research in order to improve their performance and applicability. The potential of an MLC is enormous, with a great focus on medium- and high-voltage applications, such as solar photovoltaic and wind farms, electrified railway systems, or power distribution systems. This concept makes it possible to overcome the limitation of the semiconductors blocking voltages, presenting advantageous characteristics. However, the complexity of implementation and control presents added challenges. Thus, this paper aims to contribute with a critical and comparative analysis of the state-of-the-art aspects of this concept in order to maximize its potential. In this paper, different power electronics converter topologies that can be integrated into the MLC concept are presented, highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of each topology. Nevertheless, different modulation techniques used in an MLC are also presented and analyzed. Computational simulations of all the modulation techniques under analysis were developed, based on four cascaded full-bridge topologies. Considering the simulation results, a comparative analysis was possible to make regarding the symmetry of the synthesized waveforms, the harmonic content, and the power distribution in each submodule constituting the MLC.This work has been supported by FCT—Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, within the R&D Units Project Scope UIDB/00319/2020. Mr. Luis A. M. Barros is supported by the doctoral scholarship PD/BD/143006/2018, granted by the Portuguese FCT foundation

    Balancing the active power of a railway traction power substation with an sp-RPC

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    The railway system is one of the safest, most efficient, and environmentally friendly means of land transport for people and goods. However, as the demand for mobility has increased, the current railway system has shown some weaknesses, requiring an increase in catenary power in order to be able to supply power to longer trains and faster locomotives, as well as to increase rail traffic. This paper proposes a control algorithm to be implemented in a sectioning post-Rail Power Conditioner (sp-RPC). The sp-RPC is connected to the neutral section between two traction power substations (TPS). With the control algorithm, it is possible to minimize the existing unbalance of the active powers of each TPS. In a regenerative braking condition, this surplus energy can be used to assist the traction of another locomotive on the existing overhead line. In this way, it is possible to increase the capacity of the overhead line. The analysis was performed with computer models using a modular multilevel converter (MMC) topology for the sp-RPC. Quantitative results for different consumption events of the locomotives and the analysis of the response to these variations are presented.This work has been supported by FCT—Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, within the R&D Units Project Scope UIDB/00319/2020. Luis A. M. Barros is supported by the doctoral scholarship PD/BD/143006/2018, granted by the Portuguese FCT foundation

    A review on power electronic converters for modular BMS with active balancing

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    Electric vehicles (EVs) are becoming increasingly popular due to their low emissions, energy efficiency, and reduced reliance on fossil fuels. One of the most critical components in an EV is the energy storage and management system, which requires compactness, lightweight, high efficiency, and superior build quality. Active cell equalization circuits such as those used in battery management systems (BMS) have been developed to balance the voltage and state of charge (SoC) of individual cells, ensuring the safety and reliability of the energy storage system. The use of these types of equalization circuits offers several benefits including improved battery performance, extended battery life, and enhanced safety, which are essential for the successful adoption of EVs. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the research works related to active cell equalization circuits. This review highlights the important aspects, advantages and disadvantages, and specifications.This work was supported by FCT—Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, within the R&D Units Project Scope UIDB/00319/2020. Luis A. M. Barros is supported by the doctoral scholarship PD/BD/143006/2018, granted by the Portuguese FCT foundation


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    O impacto da presença de anomalias morfológicas ovocitárias na fertilização e taxas de gravidez é um tema controverso na literatura. A presença de agregados tubulares de retículo endoplasmático liso (AT-REL) foi associada a taxas de gravidez mais baixas e a maior incidência de complicações obstétricas. A estrutura ultramiscroscópica destes AT-REL não está descrita. Este trabalho teve como objectivos: a) determinar a influência da presença de AT-REL nas taxas de fertilização e gravidez; b) descrever a ultrastrutura dos AT-REL de ovócitos humanos maduro

    Study on the technological and economic viability of introducing energy storage systems with solar photovoltaic panels

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    Solar photovoltaic represent one of the most promising technologies for generating electrical energy from renewable sources. In fact, as a result of the technological advances in the field of microelectronics and power electronics, photovoltaic systems have reached historic lows in terms of costs, surpassing the other types of renewable energy sources. The potential of the solar photovoltaic systems is enormous, being capable of meeting the energy needs of today, without compromising future needs, and allowing a sustainable development. With this in mind, several incentives and, consequently, legislations have been implemented around the world. In the Portuguese case, depending on the type of contract, for photovoltaic solar installations with value of power up to 1500 Wp the production surplus is injected into the power grid without any financial compensation. Considering the high investment, particularly regarding the photovoltaic panels, the support structure and the power electronics converters, it could be interesting to implement a system capable of storing the surplus energy for later use by the owner of the photovoltaic installation. This paper presents a study on the viability of energy storage systems in photovoltaic installations up to 1500 Wp. For this study, different consumer profiles, types of installations and geographic locations were considered, in order to perceive the technological and economic viability of this solution.This work has been supported by FCT -Fundancao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UID/CEC/00319/2019. This work is financed by the ERDF COMPETE 2020 Programme, and FCT within project SAICTPAC/0004/2015-POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016434 and FCT within project PTDC/EEI-EEE/28813/2017. Mr. Luis A. M. Barros is supported by the doctoral scholarship PD/BD/143006/2018 granted by the Portuguese FCT agency

    Development of a proposed single-phase series active power filter without external power sources

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    The quality of electric power is receiving more and more attention from part of consumers, Distribution System Operators (DSO), Transmission System Operators (TSO) and other competent entities related to the electrical power system. Once the electrical Power Quality (PQ) problems have direct implications for business productivity, causing high economic losses, it is mandatory to develop solutions that mitigate these problems. Active Power Filters (APFs) are power electronic equipment capable of compensating PQ problems that have the ability to dynamically adjust their modes of operation in response to changes in load or in the power system. Among these solutions, the Series Active Power Filter (SeAPF) is specially conceived to deal with problems related to the power system voltage amplitude and waveform. Despite the ability to compensate voltage sags, voltage swells, voltage harmonics, and voltage imbalances in three-phase systems, the SeAPF has not achieved much success neither has not been widely adopted. The lack of interest in this equipment can be largely justified by its high cost and also because of some limitations presented by the SeAPF conventional topology. In this paper is presented a novel topology, as well as the control algorithms of a single-phase SeAPF that is connected directly to the power grid without the use of coupling transformers and that does not require the use of external power sources. The topology and control algorithms of the SeAPF proposed in this paper were firstly evaluated by means of simulation results obtained with PSIM software and, once validated, a laboratory prototype was developed, being presented experimental results that support the correct operation of the proposed system.This work has been supported by FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UID/CEC/00319/2019. This work is financed by the ERDF – COMPETE 2020 Programme, and by FCT within project SAICTPAC/0004/2015-POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016434 and by FCT within project PTDC/EEI-EEE/28813/2017. Mr. Luis A. M. Barros is supported by the doctoral scholarship PD/BD/143006/2018 granted by the Portuguese FCT agency

    Necrose tubular aguda comprovada por biopsia em paciente com dengue e rabdomiolise

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    Resultados de histologia renal são muito escassos em pacientes com rabdomiólise e injúria renal aguda (IRA) associada a dengue. Descrevemos caso de dengue complicado por rabdomiólise e IRA no qual a biópsia renal mostrou necrose tubular aguda (NTA) e deposição renal de mioglobina. Paciente de 28 anos que apresentou dengue complicado por IRA grave e rabdomiólise é descrito. Ele necessitou de diálise por três semanas. A biópsia renal mostrou NTA, com imunohistoquímica fortemente positiva para mioglobina nos túbulos renais. O paciente recebeu alta com recuperação da função renal. Em conclusão, descrevemos caso de dengue complicado por IRA e rabdomiólise, em que a biópsia renal mostrou NTA e deposição de mioglobina. Sugerimos que creatinofosfoquinase deve ser monitorizada em pacientes com dengue para permitir o diagnóstico precoce de rabdomiólise e a instituição de medidas protetoras para o rim.Renal histology results are very scarce in dengue-associated rhabdomyolysis patients developing acute kidney injury (AKI). We report a case of dengue fever-induced AKI associated to rhabdomyolysis with a renal biopsy showing acute tubular necrosis (ATN) and renal deposition of myoglobin. A 28-year-old patient who presented dengue fever (DF) complicated by severe AKI and rhabdomyolysis is described. The patient required hemodialysis for three weeks. A renal biopsy revealed ATN with positive staining for myoglobin in the renal tubuli. The patient was discharged with recovered renal function. In conclusion, this case report described a biopsy proven ATN associated to DF-induced rhabdomyolysis, in which renal deposition of myoglobin was demonstrated. We suggest that serum creatine phosphokinase should be monitored in DF patients to allow for an early diagnosis of rhabdomyolysis and the institution of renal protective measures

    Opportunities and challenges of power electronics systems in future railway electrification

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    With the continuous expansion of the railway power systems, the integration of high speed locomotives and the need to increase the overhead catenary line power capacity, the main shortcomings of the conventional railway feeding system are becoming more evident. In order to overcome these drawbacks and to contribute to the technological evolution with innovative and electrically more efficient systems, several solutions have been proposed and implemented. In this context, this paper briefly presents a study of different railway power systems, highlighting emerging concepts, such as regenerative braking, energy storage systems, the inclusion of renewable energy sources, bidirectional power flow and wireless power transfer. Some of these concepts can be implemented in short to medium term, or in the long term. Following these concepts, an overview of the power electronics challenges for the implementation of these emerging concepts is presented and discussed.This work has been supported by FCT –Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the R&D Units Project Scope: UIDB/00319/2020. This work has been supported by the FCT Project QUALITY4POWER PTDC/EEI-EEE/28813/2017. Mr. Luis A. M. Barros is supported by the doctoral scholarship PD/BD/143006/2018 granted by the Portuguese FCT foundation. Mr. Mohamed Tanta was supported by FCT PhD grant with a reference PD/BD/127815/2016